Comments Posted By Kevin Kellogg
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I've read your posts and recently your posts have shown the ills of the conservative movement. It is a lack of convictions and confidence that your side no longer has the answer. I would argue that the three major components of failure in republican governance were too much moderation, political corruption and policy complacency. It was not our principles.

The American people have relieved us governance and assigned us the role of the loyal opposition. This means refreshing our ideas and supplying the alternative to what is being done now. Let us stop debating Rush, Big Tent and our bi-partisan responsibility. To the Brooks and Buckley and all obamacans, “GO!”. Go to the coalition you have advocated. Go, stand in the room and offer your ideas only to have them brushed aside in the phrase “We won.” I’m staying with the principles of individual rights which include property rights for all, respect for human life and a strong national defense to protect us. I would rather argue with Rush and others who are committed to these principles and reach a new consensus to offer the American people then be the Brooks and Buckleys who will become disillusioned or sale out completely to liberalism. Yes, Liberals won the election but another election is coming and I’m going to fight to win it. I hope you find the confidence to believe in your core principles and bring your voice to the new solution to be offered instead of the hand wringing.

God’s Speed.

Comment Posted By Kevin Kellogg On 9.03.2009 @ 10:30

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